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Why Seek Chiropractic Care as a Neuropathy Treatment

Written By Denali Injury and Spine Center on June 7, 2022

neuropathy in hands

Neuropathy is a condition caused by nerve damage or inflammation. There are a number of potential underlying causes, ranging from diabetes to injury. If you have neuropathy, you may experience numbness, tingling, and sharp pains in the affected area. You may also notice that you don’t feel sensations, like a hot stove, as much as you used to. Neuropathy often gets progressively worse, so if you are experiencing symptoms, it is important to seek care as soon as possible. 

One treatment option that has proven effective in not only easing neuropathy symptoms, but also treating the underlying cause, is chiropractic care. Chiropractic care from Preferred Medical & Rehab offers a holistic, natural treatment solution that may allow you to avoid medications as you get relief from neuropathy pain. 

Neuropathy Basics

Whatever the underlying cause of neuropathy, the condition tends to progress the same way.

The first stage of neuropathy pain usually involves mild numbness and tingling. If your neuropathy is associated with a specific injury, it may go away when the injury heals. As the condition advances, the second stage involves shooting pains that come and go, but eventually become more regular and more intense. 

At the next stage, irreversible nerve degeneration occurs, which may impact motor function. Lastly, complete loss of sensation in the affected region happens, which increases the risk of burns and other injuries, since the sufferer cannot feel them happening. Early intervention can slow or stop the prevention of neuropathy.

Chiropractic Care for Neuropathy

Chiropractic care can be very effective in easing neuropathy symptoms by correcting spinal misalignments and imbalances that are causing nerve pain. An aligned spine allows nutrient-rich blood to flow into the affected area to reduce inflammation and encourage healing. 

During your chiropractic treatment for neuropathy, Dr. Hedges may also recommend additional therapies, such as massage therapy and physical therapy, as well as advice to control underlying causes of neuropathy. For instance, if diabetes is to blame for your neuropathy, Dr. Hedges may provide nutritional advice to help you control your glucose levels to reduce your neuropathy symptoms. 

Because Dr. Hedges believes in a multidisciplinary approach, he may also recommend other specialists who can help with your care and pain management. 

Schedule an Appointment for Neuropathy Treatment

Neuropathy can be debilitating, but Dr. Hedges and Preferred Medical & Rehab can help you find relief. If you need neuropathy treatment in Anchorage, call us at (907) 333-6525.

Posted In: Chiropractic Massage Physical Therapy Neuropathy